She Said -> How to Become A Guy Magnet
Having bad luck with men? Are you one of those ladies with a jerk radar or who constantly ends up in the friend zone? Here's some good advice for both situations.
1. Get real with yourself. It really is the most important place to begin. You must figure out who you are and what you want. If you don't know, then no guy on earth will know either...but his best guess might be something negative. He might be right.
2. Whatever changes you need to make in your life, get on the road to making them. We all have reasons for the things we do and the things we don't. If something is holding you back, get past it, and get on with your life. You need to be complete before you go looking for someone to complete you.
3. Adjust your clothes to project an accurate image of yourself. Don't dress according to every trend or fashion. Look around in the vintage and second hand shops, and read the old books on aesthetics and makeup.
4. Choose the look that suits you. Just as an actor wears the right costume for their role on stage, you should wear the right costume for your role in life. Whichever look you choose, it should have some thought behind it...whether you're more t-shirt and jeans, or skirts and high heels.
5. Trust the law of attraction, but beware at the same time. When you are being and looking yourself, you are guaranteed to attract people who want what you have. The only problem is that some will want to nurture you while others will want to exploit you. Open your eyes and ears, and it's fairly easy to tell who is who. This brings us to the next step...
6. Trust your instincts, and be a patient hunter. Never be in a hurry. Wait until you have sufficient data by which to judge someone before you give them too much of your time and attention. This is handy for warding off both the jerks and the guys who will put you in the friend zone (even after - if - they've slept with you). A guy who needs an ego feeder is playing the modern male version of the rapo game from the book _Games People Play_. They seduce you, and then all of a sudden claim that either they didn't want a relationship, or they just wanted to be friends. Whichever brand of time-wasting ego suckers you're dealing with, both are bad news. They not only take away your free time and mental space to talk to other guys, but they tend to make territorial gestures that keep other guys away. Now some practical steps:
7. Don't let your guy friends touch you for more than greeting, parting, and occasional hugs in public. Make yourself physically off limits to them. If they don't get the point, then tell them flat out that PDA is for boyfriends only.
8. If a guy is interested in you, then make him prove it by engaging in whatever level of public activity and affection is appropriate for your culture. If it means he has to sit with your parents, have him do this before he can get too close to you. If it means taking you to the cafe to sit and chat with your mutual friends, then do that too. Having an accountability factor for your partners improves your reputation by showing that you do have standards, but also shows people that guys are not afraid to be seen with you. Men need to compete. Let them do it. If they think you're not worth it, then you know what you're dealing with then.
9. Watch your posture, attitude and facial expressions. Sit sometime and have one of your friends videotape a night out with you. It'll be very enlightening. You might be too prissy, or you might be too frumpy. What you want to be, if you intend to be a guy magnet, is reasonably approachable...sexy and yet respectable...huggable.
10. Be well groomed. You don't have to have the "perfect" body or face. Most people have the basic natural equipment for beauty built in. Even if you have fairly serious looks problems or differences though, you can still be just as sexy and huggable as the media clone next to you, if you smell good, and look like you put some time and effort into your hygiene and grooming.
11. Don't call a guy excessively, especially if you're not in a relationship with him. Let the guy call you sometime. If he's interested or worth pursuing, he will. Even if he is submissive, he still needs a chance to be a man.
12. Mind your manners. You don't need to be a total prude, but you do need to leave the plate on the table when you eat, chew with your mouth closed, and look at people when they're talking to you.
Look at guys. Look in their eyes. If they like you, they're going to be trying to catch your eye. When you catch their eye, hold the gaze a little longer than usual, and when you break the eye contact, blush. Guys think it's cute when you blush. Don't worry if you can't blush.
1. Be yourself! Don't try to be someone that you're not.
2. Be flirty, if you show you're interested in him, he will flirt back.
3. Don't hang onto him and crowd him. If he tells you to back up...back up.
4. If he has a girlfriend, hold back. Don't throw out the guns and flirt flirt flirt, be yourself and eventually they will break up. if not, maybe he isn't the one.
5. Don't push him away keep him close
1. Don't dress like a very available person, show too much and you might be asking for just that.
2. Ask the guy you like out with confidence.
3. Don't be hostile, but at the same time don't be over-friendly.
4. If he asks you questions, don't gabble on for ages. Let him talk about himself as well.
Source: wikihowdotcom
Top 20 Best of the Best Commercial
1. Seiko Wallet advertisement
Ang wallet na ma-swerte.
Balat nito ay ji-nu-wine.
International pa ang mga design.
Ang wallet ng maswerte.
Seiko, Seiko wallet.”
2. Family Toothpaste advertisement. Featuring some creepy American nuclear family bobbing their heads while brushing their teeth.
How’d you brush your teeth
A family for everyone
Keeps you smiling all the time.”
3. Caronia advertisement. Featuring four Sepia-colored hoochie-mamas dancing to the tune of “Caa-ro-nia… Ca-ro-nia…” And this is the part where my memory goes hazy: "Brings out the woman. Woman in you. Just like a rainbow. Colors that glow..."
4. Bench advertisement. Featuring Richard Gomez when he was still tolerable.
5. Coke advertisement. Featuring a pre-pubescent Lilet and the United Colors of Benetton kids threatening us with this anthem:
“I am the future of the world.
I am the hope of the nation.
I am tomorrow’s people.
I am the new generation.
And we have a song to sing to you…”
6. Bear Brand advertisement. Featuring a doting grandfather with a malignant-looking mole.
“I remember yesterday.
The world was so young.
Fun times with grandma.
Sharing moments.
Is that you Lolo?
Look at my mole.
A yeah!”
7. Jollibee advertisement.
8. Cindy’s Fastfood Chain advertisement.
Cindy’s is the place to be.
Burgers. French fries. Fried chicken.
Chicken barbecue! Palabok and spaghetti.
When you’re hungry. Cindy’s is the place to be.”
9. Family Rubbing Alcohol advertisement.
10. 680 Home Appliances advertisement. Featuring midgets hidden inside a large balikbayan box.
11. YC Bikini Brief advertisement. This may have watered the seeds of homosexuality in me:
“Y.C. Bikini Briefs.
For the man who packs a wallop!
Y.C. spells comfort,
Y.C. spells fashion,
Y.C. sets beauty in motion,
Y.C. is for you!
Y.C. Bikini Briefs.
Y.C. Bikini Briefs.
Y.C. Bikini Briefs!”
12. Asahi electric fan advertisement.
“Asahi.. Cools so well
Asahi.. Light as breeze
Asahi.. Makes you feel alright.
Turn, turn on an Asahi fan (2x)
13. Encarnacion Bechaves advertisement. “When you care enough to send the very best.”
14. R.A. Homevision advertisement. Remember E.T.’s hand pushing that betamax player?
15. Purefoods hotdog advertisement.
16. San Miguel Beer featuring Rachel Lobangco.
17. Milo advertisement. Featuring Bea Lucero doing splits and other acrobatic, de-virginizing movements. Lea Salonga sings the jingle, which goes:
“I’m getting ready, getting ready..
Oh what a day it’s gonna be..”
18. United American Tiki Tiki advertisement.
“United American Tiki Tiki
(something.. something) ni baby
United American Tiki Tiki
Tiki Tiki for baby!”
19. Government Infomercials featuring L.A. Lopez’s high-pitched voice scraping your ear drums with:
“Iodized salt! Iodized salt! Mag-Iodized salt tayo!”
“TKO! TKO! Tubig! Kubeta! Oresol!”
20. Finally, Palmolive Soap advertisement. Featuring Alice Dixson and the Holograms.
He Said -> 10 Worst Things You Can Do To A Guy
As told to Nana Caragay, Chalk Magazine
1. Cheat on us
"It's disrectful. Not to be honest enough to just tell us that you want to see other people, and to do it behind our back...You're letting us know what you really think of us. It would just make us feel suspicious of the whole relationship."
2. Check up on us every 5 minutes
"It's your way of letting us know that you don't trust us, or that you're actually smothering and clingy. Either way, it's not good. And it's really annoying."
3. Lie to us
"You need honesty in any relationship. And not just with your boyfriend, even with your friends or whoever."
4. Be jealous of our girl friends
"You have to understand we'll have friends who just happen to be girls, whom we've known even before we got into a relationship. It's not fair if you make us choose. If I had to choose I would probably still choose my girl friend, but I would end up resenting her as a result. It could lead to a breakup, and then I would just hang out with those girls she got jealous of in the first place."
5. Make us feel guilty for hanging out with our friends
"We have to have time to bond with our friends, even if it's just playing video games. We do some things that girls just aren't involved in. I know someone whose girlfriend won't even let him play basketball, I mean, that's just basketball! You shouldn't have to question that, otherwise you'll just end up doing number two--calling us every five minutes."
6. Slap us in public
"It happened to me once--we were arguing, and I tried to be mild-mannered about it. But I think I just couldn't believe it had actually happened. It actually says a lot about you. Why would you do something like that? I don't think either the guy or the girl should get physically violent. You don't want us to punch you in public, do you?"
7. Take us for granted
"In the beginning you just really appreciate everything, but as the relationship goes on, to some extent you tend you take each other for granted. And no matter how hard we try to please you, it's either you way or the highway. We soon realize it's not good for either of us."
8. Be too dependent on us
"Unless you are completely engulfed in each other's worlds, you should have you own life, your own friends. We should have that time together, but you should still have your own space to hang out - with your friends or by yourself."
9. Spend all our money
"You have to know that our money is not infinite. As much as we can, we'll pay for everything, but we can't always afford expensive stuff or nice restaurants. When it comes to gifts, as long as there's the thought, you should appreciate it. It would also be nice if you offer to pay for a meal sometimes, instead of expecting us to pay all the time."
10. Try to make us jealous
"It's not just going to work. It would just probably backfire - if we think you're doing something, we might just end up cheating on you too. Don't give us the wrong impression; and don't do it unless you want us to do it on you."
May Your Soul Rest in Peace Grandma Juanita
Signs That You've Checked Into A Really Bad Hotel
1. The cab driver stifles a laugh when you mention the name of your hotel. When you asked him what's so funny, he just replies "Good luck!"
2. The hotel's name has the word 'eatery' in it.
3. Outside the lobby, sketchy fellows sell fake signature watches, brand name bags, and child labor.
4. Escort service greets you before the bellhop does.
5. There's hair in the sink and it's not yours.
6. The receptionist asks: "Do you want a bathroom in your room or are you going communal?"
7. The bellhop ask for a tip and doesn't take cash, only food.
8. The walls in the hallway are bleeding.
9. When you open the door to your room, a rat comes out. In disgust, he says "Don't go in there!"
10. The cockroaches on the floor have died of natural causes and their mouths are open like in the movie Scream.
11. There are toenail clippings on the floor.
12. The room temperature control just has 'on' and 'off'.
13. A chalk outline of a body is on your bed.
14. There's no room service, just the numbers of fastfood deliveries you've never heard of.
15. You call reception for extra pillows and an irate voice tells you to: "Get them yourself!"
16. When checking out, you get frisked and your luggage is searched by a canine.
17. The bathroom tiles are blacker then night and it seems like they're moving.
18. The receptionist has only one eye and brags: "We've been featured in A Haunting on the Discovery Channel!"
19. You have to wear flip-flops to take a shower.
20. The toilet doesn't have a lever for flushing just a bucket.
Source: Smile Cebupacific